7 Activities Make You Hard Sleep and Sleep Well

SLEEP is the time for the body to rest from activities that are done all day. But some people can not sleep well at night due to some problems or mistakes that make your sleep not sound.

But did you know that daytime habits affect sleep at night? According to experts the following things that make sleep not soundly at night as from page Homebt:

   1. Spend too much time with smartphones

Studies show that those using too many smartphones and tablets have poor sleep quality. According to Cassandra Barns,

"It is important to try to avoid using your smartphone before going to sleep because the blue rays given by the device can interfere with the natural production of melatonin - a hormone that makes you feel sleepy."

For that avoid the use of mobile before bed.

   2. Excessive anxiety

Anxiety can cause you to not sleep well or not sleep all night. According to Shona Wilkinson, many would say that they are trying to sleep but are distracted by anxiety, which prevents people feeling relaxed and asleep.

   3. Eat irregularly

Not getting enough food and irregular eating habits can cause problems in your body, causing a spike in cortisol, a stress hormone that triggers the release of glucose into the bloodstream to boost energy.

   4. Drinking coffee in the afternoon

Keep in mind If you drink coffee in the afternoon will affect your sleep at night because caffeine in coffee can make you not sleepy.

   5. Not enough exercise

Studies show those who exercise frequently will sleep more soundly at night than those who do not exercise. With physical activity will increase the production of endorphins that trigger positive feelings in the body and reduce pain and help you to relax.

   6. Have an erratic sleep routine

Irregular sleep routines will affect sleep at night. Try to sleep the same time each day and wake up at the same time. This will make your sleep more sound.

   7. Drinking alcohol

Alcohol will certainly greatly affect your sleep. Not only that alcohol also affects the level of blood sugar that causes adrenaline and cortisol released and also inhibits the transport of tryptophan to the brain.

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