Fast Food

Most fast food (fast food) contains high calories, but low in other essential nutrients. Therefore, fast food is synonymous with non nutritious food because it lacks a positive contribution to health.

Because it is identical to the low nutrient content while the calories are abundant, consumption of this type of food is not recommended. But because it is known to be cheap, fast, tasty, and filling, so many people love it.

How Fast Food Affects Body Health?

Here are some problems that can happen to you if too often eat fast food.

  • Obesity

Calculate the amount of carbohydrates in your regular fast food. Then, combine with unhealthy fats obtained from the frying process. Not quite up there, fast food is also usually rich in sugar. Can you imagine how fast food paved the way for obesity?

  • Malnutrition

If you are only thinking about how to flesh the body then fast food is the right answer. But if you think satiety is accompanied by nourishing the body, then fast food is a bad choice. Too much carbohydrate, fat, sugar, and salt, but on the other hand minimal protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. What if your daily life is only filled with carbohydrates and fat? So be prepared to have a body lack of nutrition and susceptible diseases. In children and adolescents, this can hamper their growth.

  • Indigestion

The lack of fiber in a fast food can cause constipation or difficult bowel movements. In addition to minimal fiber, the amount of sodium (salt) contained can also cause flatulence and feels full. This is very likely considering salt has the ability to hold water.

  • Problems with the brain

Fast food is not only synonymous with high cholesterol and sugar, but also rich in additional preservatives. The content of these harmful additives can cause memory problems and learning disabilities. Research has also shown that the habit of eating high-calorie fast food, is associated with an increased risk of dementia

  • Diabetes

Piles of carbohydrates and sugar that are rich in calories will make blood sugar levels jump. Blood sugar spikes that are too frequent will certainly make insulin production jumping too. Over time this will interfere with your normal production of insulin that leads you to diabetes.

  • Cardiovascular Disease

Saturated fats commonly found in fast food can increase bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL). Combined with excessive salt intake can increase blood pressure and heart workload. As we know, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are the main causes of heart disease and stroke.

  • Respiratory disorders

Fast food makes you more easily obese. If you are obese or just overweight, the risk of respiratory problems will increase. Difficulty breathing is the most common thing that happens to people with obesity. Obesity makes a person more susceptible to sleep apnea (sleep apnea) and asthma.

  • Teeth easily damaged

Bacteria in the mouth will produce excess acid if you consume lots of carbohydrates and sugar. Excess acid will make the protective layer of the tooth damaged. If the tooth is damaged, then some diseases will be easier to approach.

How to Reduce the Bad Effects of Fast Food

Some of the following ways might help you reduce fast food consumption while maintaining health:

  • Create a healthy menu

When the stomach is hungry, we certainly want to immediately fill the stomach with food, not to mention fast food. Therefore, make it a habit to create a healthy diet that can complement your nutritional adequacy, so no need to eat fast food when hungry. Add the menu with fruit and vegetables, so that the needs of fiber can also be fulfilled.

  • Reduce portion

The more you eat fast food, the more carbohydrates, fat, sugar, and salt you consume.

  • Drink a lot of water

Change your drink from carbonated beverages to pure fruit juice, low-fat milk, or mineral water. When the body starts hungry, or before hunger, drinking water will reduce hunger so that the impetus to taste fast food will disappear.

  • Reduce fried foods

Fried foods rich in saturated fats, then less for the sake of health.

Everything if consumed excess will be less good for health. Similarly fast food, as long as within normal limits, the risks to health can still be tolerated. But if you already have a bad health condition, as much as possible avoid fast food consumption

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