Really Coffee Can Make Headaches?

Despite having a delicious flavor and can relieve drowsiness, many people who claim to choose to avoid coffee because it is considered to trigger a headache. Actually, does drinking coffee do this?

Caffeine content in coffee is touted as the culprit of the emergence of headaches. This is caused by caffeine that can trigger dependence. If we are accustomed to consume coffee regularly suddenly do not drink it, then we will experience headache. This is caused by the ability of caffeine to affect the enlargement or constriction of blood vessels in the head, a condition that can indeed trigger the arrival of headaches.

Health expert Dr. Todd Rozen of the Geisinge Headache Center said that although it can trigger headaches, caffeine can also be a cure from headaches. This ability is also caused by the influence of caffeine in making the size of blood vessels in the head changed.

 3 Types of Headaches

In the meantime, Dr. Kathleen Digre from Headache and Neuro-ophtalmology Division at the University of Utah, said that the combination of caffeine with some types of painkillers was able to make the performance of headache relief medication could be better. It's just that, for some other types of drugs, caffeine content can reduce its performance significantly or even trigger stomach acid problems and indigestion.

In order not easily headache, it's good we do not consume coffee with excessive amount every day. If you want to lower your daily intake of coffee, do little by little, do not suddenly reduce his intake drastically or stop suddenly. In addition, do not drink coffee at night that can make us experience sleep disorders.

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