Breast In Lumps

One common feature of breast cancer is the appearance of breast lumps. However, not all breast lumps are cancerous. Some medical conditions can cause these symptoms.

Research shows, 80% cases of breast lumps are not cancer. However, breast lumps can not be underestimated, it is important to recognize the difference of non-cancerous lumps and cancer, so it can get the required treatment quickly and accurately.

Different Types of Non-cancerous Breast Lumps

There are several non-cancer cases characterized by breast lumps, among others:

  • Breast cysts

Breast cysts are fluid-filled bags in breast tissue that cause lumps and feel soft. Generally cysts experienced by women aged between 35-50 years. When the menstrual cycle, the size of the cyst can enlarge rapidly because it responds to hormones.

  • Fibrocystic breasts

Is a change in the breast due to hormonal instability during the menstrual cycle. These changes cause a lump in the breast that feels pain. In addition, the nipple will be more sensitive. This condition is not a disease. Usually the symptoms occur when the period pre-menstruates and improves when the menstrual period or ends. However, see your doctor immediately if symptoms persist after the menstrual period

  • Fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma is a solid lump that occurs due to excess formation of milk producing glands or lobules and tissue around the breast. The lump does not hurt, and if pressed it will shift. This condition is generally experienced by women aged 20-30 years. The cause of fibroadenoma is not known for certain, but is known to be associated with the influence of fertility hormones.

  • Breast infections

Breast infections are most common in lactating mothers. This condition is known as mastitis. Such infections can cause painful breast lumps. Infection occurs when bacteria from the surface of your skin or from the baby's mouth into the milk duct through the nipple. Another cause is the closure of milk ducts. This happens when you stop breastfeeding when the milk in the breast has not been exhausted. As a result milk returns to the channel again, triggering infection and causing a lump.

Mastitis makes the moments of breast-feeding so painful because the breast feels like a burn. However, it does not matter for you to keep breastfeeding your baby. Consult immediately with a doctor, usually the doctor will give antibiotics and pain relievers.

Recognize Breast Cancer Lumps

Breast lumps can also be a sign of breast cancer. Cancer occurs when the cells in the breast begin to grow abnormally. Cancer cells develop faster than normal cells, causing bumps.

However, you can perform Breast Self-Check (BSE) as an early detection measure in the wake of a lump in the breast is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Breasts change in size or shape.
  • The nipple is attracted to the part
  • Although rarely, the nipples secrete fluids containing blood.
  • In rare types of cancer, red spots appear around the nipples that look like eczema.
  • In some areas of the breast, there is a thickening of the skin.

Required Medical Examination

Some breast examinations that may be needed to find out whether a breast lump is a cancerous or non-cancerous lump is as follows:

  • Ultrasonography (USG)

This examination can effectively be used to examine dense breasts, as in young women.

  • Mammography

Mammography examination is superior to examination of less dense breasts, usually in women who have gone through menopause.

  • Combination of ultrasound and mammography

This combination examination is useful for detecting more malignant tumors.

  • MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Used for examination in more complicated cases, such as breast cancer associated with gene mutations, patients using silicone gel implants in the breast, or other complicated conditions. However, usually MRI examination alone is not enough and further examination is required.

  • Biopsy

A biopsy is sampling at a particular layer in the breast to ensure the presence of abnormal cells.

It is important to do your own breast examination on a regular basis. This can increase your sensitivity to changes in the breast. When there is the slightest bump, you can find out because it is used to check and know how your breasts are in normal condition.

If you find a breast lump, you should check with your doctor to make sure the breast lump is classified as cancer or non-canceour. Women aged over 50 years are strongly encouraged to perform routine breast examinations once every three years.

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