Secrets of Simple Beautiful Skin from Korean Artist
Who is not fascinated by the beauty of Korean artists? Facial skin that always looks soft, clean, glowing, which woman does not crave it. Reporting from Style Craze, we will choose some beautiful secrets from Korea and Asian women in general, so why their facial skin always look up. Here's the secret !
1. Patting Face
The first secret of Korean women's beauty is that they plainly pat their faces, or even slap their own faces. Korean women believe that doing this strange looking and strange thing can help stimulate blood flow and increase energy in facial skin. How?
Interested to try it? For starters, it's good to do it slowly. Because if not accustomed, it must be quite poignant. Moreover, facial skin classified as sensitive skin.
2. CTM Ritual
The pretty secret of Korea and women in Asia in general is never to miss a ritual CTM. What is a ritual CTM? Namely Cleansing - Toning - Moisturizing. They apply the series of treatments regularly, so do not be surprised if their facial skin always looks clean. This CTM becomes something that is mandatory and should not be missed. How about you?!
3. Doing Facial
Do you regularly carry out facials at least once a month? Women in Korea or Japan there, care to do facials every month. In fact, for this one treatment, they are willing to set aside money and spend it. Yes. In fact, look beautiful, in addition to need discipline, also need other supporters, right?
The beautiful secrets of Korea, as well as from Asian women in general, such as Japan, are not far away from care and care. Also disciplined and not easily bored. They consider facial skin care to be a mandatory ritual, no wonder if their facial skin is always dazzling. Interested?