5 Causes Of Stomach Cramps In Women, In addition To Menstruation

Stomach cramps in women are usually synonymous with premenstrual syndrome symptoms. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, of 90 percent of women who experience menstrual symptoms, as many as 20 percent of them experience severe stomach cramps. But on the other hand, in certain conditions women can also experience abdominal cramps outside the menstrual cycle. Beware, this should not be underestimated because it can be a sign of a serious problem in your health. So, what are the causes of abdominal cramps other than because of menstruation? Find out through the following reviews.

Various causes of abdominal cramps other than due to menstruation

Stomach cramps due to the moon usually occur for 5 to 11 days before menstruation. If you feel abdominal cramps beyond that time, then you need to be vigilant.

According to Alyssa Dweck, an obstetrician and author of The Complete A to Z for Your V, the cause of painful abdominal cramps and outside the menstrual cycle is likely due to other pelvic problems that need further examination.

Here is the cause of abdominal cramps that are not caused due to menstruation and need to be aware of, namely:

  1. Endometriosis

One of the causes of abdominal cramps that you need to be aware of is the possibility of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition when the tissue that should coat the uterus (endometrium) grows and accumulates in other organs outside the uterus.

Normally, the endometrium will thicken before the time of ovulation to prepare for fetal candidates to stick to the uterus, in case of fertilization. When fertilization does not occur, this endometrium will dissolve and come out with the blood of menstruation.

But in women with endometriosis, the dissolved uterine wall tissue does not come out through the vagina, but settles around the reproductive organs. Over time, this sediment will cause inflammation, cysts, or scar tissue. This is the cause of stomach cramps although not menstruating.

Endometriosis stomach cramps are similar to abdominal cramps during menstruation but usually occur more often in a month. Usually, abdominal cramps are felt in the lower back and below your navel.

Although the cause is not known for certain, the consumption of birth control pills can help you overcome the pain of endometriosis. In addition, abdominal cramps due to endometriosis can also be treated with injections to suppress hormones or by way of endometriosis surgery.

        2. Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are small sacs of fluid formed in the ovaries. This disease can be one cause of abdominal cramps outside the menstrual period.

Ovarian cysts can generally disappear on their own, fire eight percent of other women require treatment through drugs or surgery because the cyst is suffered severe enough.

Abdominal cramps due to cysts are not only felt when the cyst is still growing and surviving in the ovary, but also when the cyst is broken.

When the ovarian cyst is ruptured, you may feel more severe stomach cramps on both sides of the lower abdomen, especially below the navel. However, the location also depends on which ovaries contain cysts.

     3. Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are a condition when there is a benign tumor that grows in the uterus. Some of the symptoms include stomach cramps, bloating, pain during sex, and a sense of distress in the urinary or intestinal tract.

If you have fibroids that grow in the uterus, then the fibroids will press the uterine lining more strongly, especially before the menstrual period. Toward the decay of the uterine wall during menstruation, the uterine wall will push out the layers and make you feel the cramps in the abdomen.

To confirm the cause of abdominal cramps due to uterine fibroids, consult your doctor immediately for ultrasound procedures.

    4. Incidence of scarring or keloid

If you have experienced pelvic or abdominal surgery, then you are at risk of growing scar tissue (keloids) that cause pain.

This scar tissue can cause the organs around it to feel stiff, triggering trauma to the uterus. This is usually caused by curettage, caesar section, uterine infection, and other surgical procedures.

    5. Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is one of the biggest causes of cancer death in women. The reason, more than 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and the number continues to increase. Some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer include pain, bloating, abdominal cramps, and irregular bleeding.

Abdominal cramps due to ovarian cancer are often mistaken for heartburn due to constipation or flatulence. However, this abdominal cramp is felt in the lower abdomen and lasts long enough.

To confirm the cause of abdominal cramps due to ovarian cancer, doctors will usually perform a pelvic exam.

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